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Amazon swim

September 22, 2013 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Swim

Slept in til about 8. Felt pretty good, but the R ankle is stiff - not surprised.

Was productive in the AM: cleaned up, did laundry, R-logged. I wish I had taken the time to do some more reading, or writing. Having two deadlines a month, from now on, is going to be TOUGH!

Around 1, I biked to the pool to swim. Riding past SEHS, I saw Ticer's truck, so I pulled into the parking lot, where I found him stretching. He said he just finished his a back-to-back 5hr track run! Sheesh! He's also doing the DS100, and talking to him reminded me that I need to do some track specificity...but not that much, and not this soon.

Got to the pool and swam for 25 minutes - felt pretty good, but once again, I was struggling for breath. Swear, I need to work on breathing - in ALL parts of life.

This brings up a list of things I discovered yesterday:

- My gluts - lat/posterior muscle bulk - is super-sore: this is the best I've used my gluts, maybe ever!

- Still not getting a clean push-off on the R: the toe is out, and that locks up my ankle after several hours of that.

- Was still overloading the left, but much, much, much better. Only very mild L lateral foot/LE soreness, and a mild amount of L ankle. I did not k-tape it.

- Overall, I'm still not getting my trunk forward enough, especially with fatigue. Must work on this.

- I SUCK at breathing: out there, when super-tired, my breathing gets shallow and worthless. This has to play a huge factor, and I need to work on it, comprehensively.

So the pool swimming will force me to improve. The leg action we worked on on Friday was better in the pool today.

The weather today was weird: super-windy and on/off rain. Fun to swim in a warm, outdoor pool, with that shitty weather!

Chilled out the rest of the day, then at 4ish, went to Colin/Becky's to watch the bears go 3-0 against the Stellers. Good day!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes