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October 5, 2013 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Jungle

Despite the recent calamity, we all pulled it together and had quite a challenging, sweltering and enjoyable day at Salesianum. Not much had changed: the long bus ride, Anthony's loud alternative rock tapes (Zeke and I took the minotaur) and the awful waiting. I got to run varsity--something I should not start taking for granted-- so we had to wait until 4:40. Because of the heat, Coach discouraged us from running around and cheering. During this waiting, I actually read all of the Declaration of Independence and some of the Constitution, things too long put off. Unfortunately, I did notice my knee a little bit during warmups. It doesn't really HURT and I don't have to change my stride, but I just know something is awry there. Anyway, we finally got to the line with the other 49 runners, the temperature barely cooling down. As we set off I tried my damnedest to stay calm and pull Gabe along with me. We lost contact around the mile at which point I ascended maintenance hill with dignity and began passing people. I wasn't entirely alone, but still do not see this fantasy of full-blown pack running happening with such disparity in ability at the moment. Unlike the past two times, I did not count, but I speculate I caught about 9 people from that point on. The rest of the race certainly hurt, but after channeling peoples' reminders that I LIKE running, I had fun. The phantom hill was less phantasmal than ever and I felt as though I had trouble using the downhills effectively. I pushed through the long stretch near the two mile mark, hearing 11:44 meaning a 6:48 for the closing mile and change. Although I took off time, I have to admit it was not perfect and I did settle a little, failing to catch Marcello in the last 250m, though Jason himself told me to "get one guy for me." I still ran faster than last year.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.41 Miles 53:32
5.0 Kilometers 25:00 8:02 / Mile Warmup  
5.0 Kilometers 18:32 5:57 / Mile Race  
1.2 Miles 10:00 8:20 / Mile Cooldown