November 2, 2013 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Other
Slept in this morning since we were out late last night. Nice day out. Weather is was really warm today, but its gonna get cold soon. Ankle not good enough to run, and I didnt really have any other option to crosstrain today. Had a lot of work to do. Its pretty stiff moving up and down and side to side, but I can put pressure on it and walk really easily. Feels swollen but not really "puffy"
wondering should I get a gym pass this week? I kinda want to keep running outside though... We shall see I still think I am too busy to go to the gym after class. It might be easier next semester when the weather is actually cold.
Try to run tomorrow is I have time. If not I can do a crossfit or something. Probably need it as a study break.
Hope everyone had a good time at UAAs. The conference meet is a pretty big deal every season, and it sounds like a lot of people went out to watch it. Thats awesome.