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The Wall is Coming Down...

November 22, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

At 7AM, before work, I texted Chelsea to let her know I dropped off the letter. I was scared.

Treated a couple patients with my phone in my bag. I randomly checked it around 9AM and found her message:

"It was there. And now you've made me cry twice in 1 week ;-). Thank you so much for this letter, I feel like we are on the same page for the FIRST time ever. I'm absolutely terrified right so scared. I'm going to take some time to absorb all of this and give you my thoughts when the adrenaline stops coursing through me and I can calm down enough to clearly communicate back to you."

WOW. I was shocked. I got emotional, a little bit. I seriously had to work to hold it together with my next patient.

HOLY SHIT. What does it mean? The mere fact that she replied, like right away is good. That she is "terrified" and "so scared" is also good, I think, because I think what I said was spot-on. I think I nailed it, and I think she knows that, too. It's what she wants, but now that she knows that that's what *I* want...and now I'm putting it on her? Scary stuff.

BUT...the fact that she's communicating that stuff: the emotion, fear (and might I say, excitement?) she's feeling? Her Walls are starting to come down.

It's pretty unbelievable. But it's scary for me, too. I thought a LOT today about what our future will look like: not fantasy future, but where and how we might go from here...should she decide that she wants to go for it. Damn, man, I just want to SPEND TIME. I have so many questions, and so many things I want to tell her. Not "big stuff", just life!

But in the "100 Mile race" of us simply coming together, we're at Foresthill: After a rather disastrous/dramatic High Country and Los Canyones, we made it to FH in one piece, and things are looking up. It's easy to get excited and aggressive now: with plenty of potentially good running ahead. But I now *must* be patient and not blow it on Cal Street!

Get to Cal 1, 2, 3...
Get to the River
Get to ALT
Get to Brown's...

Pretty unbelievable, right??