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McKenzie River Trail "minutes" workout

November 24, 2013 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 40? Another brisk, dry, sunny day!

The run was terrific. I wasn't "flying high" by any means. I was just in shock, really!

Kept things really easy, per usual, but without dust mite poop in my lungs, I was >2min faster in the first 10K, and that pattern persisted, despite the easy pace. I did make a slightly concerted effort to get up towards "MAF" on the outbound, but not much. I was digesting eggZ/bacon, so I stopped at a fresh stream to drink at 9mi or so. Ran out 100min, which was a good half mile+ farther than usual. From there, I stopped, put in my headphones, and started the "minutes" workout on the way back.

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, with equal rest on the way up, then x-1 rest on the way back down (6 hard, 5 rest, 5 hard, 4 rest...).

Felt GOOD! It's not a hilly trail, but it's hard to run super-fast because it's so winding, rooted/rocky at points, but man, was it fun to *try* to run hard. The tuneZ helped. I was shocked at how NOT bonky I felt, with no fuel other than breakfast in the gut (and starting the run after noon). I actually ran beyond the start line (out in 100, back in 86), finishing up on the last link of trail past the MRTR start-finish. After the last rep, I jogged super-easy backtrack on the trail, then to the car at the ranger station.

Felt VERY STRONG. The stride is the best it's felt all year, including the super-speed of the spring. REALLY using my hips/pelvis well, and I'm getting my trunk forward. AND, the notion of "pelvis left" is working to even things out - no taping today!

Calling this 26 is a stretch, but I ran for about 3:19, and was hauling ass on the whole second half. So I'll call it that. B-)

Did a bit of grocery shopping, called home, cleaned my apt (including heavy vacuuming with windows open). GOOD DAY.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
26.0 Miles