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Run with the sons

November 26, 2013 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Headed out with a group from Veale. Turned back at Coventry with Brando and Ryan. Did a 3 and a 2 with Perry followed by a quick 1 all on the indoor track when I got back. PR in the 200 so that was nice, especially since it's early and I was in trainers.

Splits: (48.5, 27.92, 13.74)

Tbar rows: 3x10x70, 12x70
Box squats: 10x135, 10x155
Bar Curls: 2x10x70, 8x70, 5x70

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.37 Miles 29:42
4.0 Miles 29:42 7:25 / Mile Easy Ghost 6 Lime/Navy
600.0 Meters Speed