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November 30, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Simply the best season ever. I don't think it's necessary to write an epic log about the past three months, but I had a pretty great day at Regionals, with everything except a PR, mostly my fault, but the field was crowded the whole time. I went out in 5:15, feeling confident, relaxed and actually handsome in that sleek uniform after dealing with the new heavy ones all season. I came through two miles in 10:57 and saw Jackson flash next to me, and almost got pessimistic about the whole race, but snapped back to reality when a) I realized everyone else was slowing down and b) Jackson was, after all, on my team. I felt confident going about the incline the first time with Zeke screaming "You're doing so well, just keep moving up." We traded off for the next 1000m or so until I left him, passing more people and trying to remain positive, perhaps falling asleep a bit. I saw him again at the final hill with about 600m to go and he yelled, "last hill of the *expletive* season, Liam." Hearing this, I remembered to kick, passing maybe twenty people, and relieved not to be vanquished by a freshman--as much as I love the guy. Jason stood atop one of the hay bales saying "PR!" I thought it was still within my grasp but it wasn't enough. At least I saw 16 again, proving that my run at Bullis was not "a fluke." Anthony's right that very few races go exactly one's way--I would say MACs did, or came as close as possible. But however much I destroyed that race, that index card on my mirror remains unconquered by two seconds, while a Lacrosse player and a sophomore run 15:55 and :57. At the same time, I've never been more proud to be on this team the 12th of 35 teams in our region and I will remember these three months for a long time and I'll take the 57-second improvement--for now. I don't remember being more ready for a break from running. Ran good.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.81 Miles 41:54
1.7 Miles 15:00 8:49 / Mile Warmup  
5.0 Kilometers 16:54 5:26 / Mile Race  
1.0 Miles 10:00 10:00 / Mile Cooldown