December 7, 2013 (Night)
Exercise Type: Weights
Didnt get in a run today. Working on this report all day long... BRO and I have been doing all the editing, since our writing is pretty good, and no one else seems to care about doing all the revisions... It tough, I thought we wouldn't have to deal with this kinda stuff in grad school. I always get stuck leading the project and making sure things get done. Anyways, got a lot more studying and revising tomorrow, I will try to go for a short run when I get home, because I know it will make me feel better.
Did some abs at night to relieve the stress. It felt awesome. Swoldier on... Did Pick 7 x20 twice. I miss doing abs and stuff in the weight room. Overall I was pretty tired today. Had a sore throat last night and this morning, and felt kinda achy. Colds could be going around again. Keep on focusing on getting good sleep and staying strong with the school work. Im a pro at this stuff.