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Pre's Rock Hills

June 24, 2008 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 70s, sunny, breezy

I was in ROUGH shape during work but came around enough in the afternoon to do this workout. I thought about bagging it entirely and taking the day off, but I felt OK after work so I went.

Did drills outside Hayward -- all aspects of the field are now off limits, so I have to do drills on the sidewalk on 18th St. Saw Pete and chatted with him about tomorrow's run, then took off for the hill.

Hills went pretty good, even though I was tired. No fast pick-ups: a couple 1:45s and my last in 1:44. Good form and good breathing.

Did the Pre Trails as cooldown. Just before the Autzen Bridge my R knee started bothering me: at the top of the knee cap, when I flex. I stopped after the bridge to stretch and a rando afro dude came up asking for a place to run. Definitely a Trials athlete, but I didn't know who. I pointed across the river to the trails, and then I was on my way.

Felt tired, but better than this morning. Did circuits, hit up Winco with Behrs, ate, and hit the sack. OK day, but I gotta sleep better.


Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.0 Miles