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December 24, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Got out of bed and immediately proceeded to run after loosening up a bit. Up Military to Old Glebe to Glebe to Lee Highway to Vermont through Taylor park back to military and up 26th back home. My form was a bit of a mess and I kept feeling self conscious about tensing my face. The hills on this run kept breaking up the pace, especially at the end, no matter how relaxed I tried to stay. Still an enjoyable run all around though the pace never quite remained in one spot. Six striders, A-skips, B-skips, high knees, butt-kicks, three sets of 15 pushups, six inches for 1:00, 30 supermen, and crunches with a 10-pound weight for 1:00. I'll take it very easy tomorrow after these two quality days.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.4 Miles 41:00 7:35 / Mile Training