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December 26, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Weights

2x8, 1x6 Single Arm Squat Jump Press things (10,10,15)
3x10 eccentric motion knee ext. (4th weight)
3x12 leg press (2 @10th weight, 1 @ 11th)
3x10 Bench Press (25s each side)
3x30 SL Calf Raises (each leg)
3x10 Squats (30s, 30s, 35s)
30 DB Arm Runs (each leg forward)

30 reps each crunch routine (feet above knees crunches, feet 1 inch above ground hover crunches, bicycles, feet bounces)

5 lengths Heel/Toe Walk (length of workout room)
3x1 min SL Balance (each leg, flat ground)
50 hops