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"Deuce Lutz" Kinni Trails

December 30, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: -5F, light snow

Slept in til nearly 9; felt good. Hung out with Matt 'til he left at 10ish. Evan and Josie were here, as were Steve and Shawna, so it was busy around here. Finally got out around 11AM.

Ran the "town loop" (my base 4-mile in-town loop from my mom's), which includes a run down Main Street for about two miles. But instead of heading home, I cut into Glen Park, then down to the "Kinni Trails" - some sweet single track along the Kinnikinnic River as it runs away from town to the SW. I was worried the trail would be shit, but it was surprisingly solid for at least half of it.

Was REALLY good low along the river, then "so-so" on the upper levels. Ran into a random woman walking in that upper area, which was super-random. Did the loop, then came back the way I came.

Pretty icy underneath the light snow; surprising that it was snowing because of how fucking cold it was. No wind, thankfully. Very little hamstring tightness (a bit on the left), but really worked on mechanics today. Legs felt pretty good.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.0 Miles