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January 1, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

Didn't do much of anything, though I did manage to leave the house today. Yesterday was the first time in...MANY YEARS...that I didn't leave the house all day. Weird, but that highlights how shitty I felt.

Dragged my ass out of the house - in temps just a tinge above 0F - to have lunch with my sis. I probably should've stayed home, but I knew it would be a good opportunity for her and I to talk, and I couldn't pass that up. Went to Key's Cafe in Hudson (one of my favorites - though less awesome when you're low-carb).

Talked for quite a bit about Chelsea and the msg she sent my sister. It was pretty good: Brandie has reservations (it's in her nature, and that's only sharpened in her 15 years in law enforcement: she has a hard time trusting people), but she recognizes that Chelsea is not Britt, despite the disconcerting similarities in the emails that Brandie pointed out.

We also talked about Erin a fair amount; I needed to share that perspective with Brandie, because she and Erin have a fairly strong friendship. She, too, thought it was weird/off-putting the things she said. It was good to get on the same page she she knows a bit about Erin's possible "orientation/motivation".

After lunch, I went to Target to run some errands. Weird: I had a dream last night about working at Target. I DID work there, in the summer of 2000, and it sucked. SO it was strange to go there the next day.

After that? I didn't do a whole lot. I did finally post my Frozen Trail Runfest report. But it's been hard to get any writing done, feeling like shit.

Chatted with my mom a bit more in the afternoon. She emailed Chelsea to say thanks for the homemade biscotti gift (that she made me lug home in two giant mason jars!), which was a nice "olive branch gesture" on mom's part. She took a bit of the edge off and noted that she wants to give Chelsea a fair shot.

I texted Chels to say that I talked to my mom and my sis, and that we'd talk about it later. I do feel like I dropped the ball, though: Chels sent those emails out weeks ago(?), and she never got anything back from Brandie. Yet, until today, I neither addressed Brandie, or communicated to Chelsea about that. Shitty move. But that opens up old wounds for me - trying to balance girlfriend vs family. But there's no excuse; I left her hanging.

We chatted on the phone later in the evening, but we're saving that convo for when she gets back tomorrow.

Was really hoping to get to bed early, but - in part because of congestion and coughing - I could not fall asleep. Wound up staying awake 'til nearly 3AM! UGH.