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January 6, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Dark grey cloudy sky, 30s, muddy track

Avocado invitational for the second time. After the warmup, Eirenhaft placed me with Natalie and some St. Albans freshman whose name escaped me. I did six short striders and then volunteered to go first. It was nice to toe the line with Zeke but after the unknown freshman ran his lap, we found we had lost Natalie somehow and formed another team with other dispossessed parties, such as Noah Boorstin and a STA guy. It felt as good as it could have, but I'm sure I slowed down on the second one, bringing the pace back up on the third and especially the fourth. I found myself outkicking Isabel Boyer a few times and over-taking my acquaintance, Jim Hurson.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.76 Miles 36:28
2.25 Miles 16:58 7:32 / Mile Warmup  
1628.0 Meters Interval  
0.5 Miles 4:30 9:00 / Mile Recovery  
2.0 Miles 15:00 7:29 / Mile Cooldown