January 17, 2014 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Other
Good AM at work, then I went to the allergist for a shot, then to the library for my homework from therapy, then home to clean up a bit. I met Chels back at work at 3:15. Her knee's been bugging her for the past couple weeks.
So I got to "showcase my non-date personality" in the clinic. Findings:
- CRAY-CRAY flexible. I did a straight leg raise with her? Knee to ear ("Dear LORD, son!")
- Her right leg is 3/4 INCH LONGER than the left! Woah. Recipe for knee pain, mos def!
- Supz upright in how she runs: got that "hot girl prance" rather than a healthy hip hinge.
I put a 1/4-1/3" insert in her L shoe, then taught her "The Crouch". No pain in the knee. :-)
After that, we did some shopping, met back at her house, then went to her parents for dinner. I met her bro for the first time (he's only a year old than my bro Steve): really nice guy, and smart!
Really good time, but I felt down and tired from the fucking allergy shot.
Thought about going for an ice skate together, but it was 8:30 before we left, so we came home and watched an episode of "Degrassi" and went to bed.
She mentioned, briefly, about me "being quiet" at her parents', again. I was a bit, though I engaged in convos, individually, with each of them at some point in the night. Also, the allergZ weighed me down. But most of all? Just ABSORBING what's going on: family dynamics, energy and perspective from each person. It's fascinating. It's like going to the Ale House when AJW and/or Twiet are there. I'd rather someone else ask the questions and I just absorb it all.
I think that bugs her and worries her, and perhaps lowers my perceived "strength" in her eyes, but I'm not going to "game" her family just to seem confident and strong. But I will keep that in mind going forward about how important it is for her that I be interactive and engaging with her family.