January 21, 2014 (Night)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: Inside
The Shell Indoor Track -
My inner flame of running has been smoldering lately as I've been just going through the motions, but today a brighter flame than I've had in months jumped up from the embers. I started off with just a boring, easy run on the indoor track because the wind chill is around -15F. I didn't feel good really, but just got settled into about a 6:40 pace comfort zone and slowly started to get angry as I ran. It ended up being a nice little progression run, as the last couple miles were under 6:00, for the first time in goodness-knows-how-long. I even kicked to the finish. All in all the time and pace weren't impressive really, but I'm sort of surprised I did something medium effort even. I wasn't especially angry or happy about anything today to cause this, just there and relishing the run, galvanized by the end.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
10.0 Miles | 1:02:49 | 6:16 / Mile | Easy | Brooks Launch Silver & Blue |