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January 22, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 17, no wind, sunny, that stage when the snow starts to become brown and grimy

Due to the risk of accusations of cowardice, I thought I'd brave the elements come what may. I slipped maybe 4 or 5 minutes into it, but other than that everything went well. Long, steady inclines kept me honest throughout, though not as brisk as I'd have liked. Military to Lorcom to Lee to George Mason to Yorktown to Glebe to 32nd to Woodward to 35th back to Military and up 36th. Would probably make for a nice loop in finer weather. I did 10 minutes of strength work Jason style, with no rest: 20 pushups, 10 lunges, 20 squats, 1-minute lateral planks, 1-minute flutter kicks, 1 minute superman hold, and high knees for 1-minute. I must say, I'm sick of my house and want to see the team.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.7 Miles 46:56 7:00 / Mile Training