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January 23, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Mid 20s, windy

For some reason, we were forced to have practice inside today with limited time outside. I did the run outside with Sam and Gabe and felt well within myself the whole time, wanting to go faster, though I was nervous for the first mile. Before that we did four laps around the indoor "track" and came back to do five sets of squat jumps up three steps at a time from L2 to the ground floor. We did three sets of galloping up the same amount of stairs, skipping a step, three sets of hopping on each leg and then one sprint from L2 to the third floor. On the second floor, we did 10 sprints from the last column to the library doors under Amanda's direction and then I did an extra so Jadyn would have someone to run with. The fall birthday people (which is how Coach had divided us from the beginning) then went to the first floor and did all sorts of strength work with Jason: 60 jumping jacks (25, 25, 10), 30 pushups in sets of 10, six inches and other angles for a total of around 1:30, a plank for a minute STA style, 15 squats, 30 lunges, supermen for a minute and something resembling ultimate crunch for 45 seconds. We stretched and heard a rather gloomy speech from Anthony about how we have to focus and get back on track (no pun intended)--I thought we were on track--at least I was--but maybe the snow days did negatively affect people's training, despite Carlton and Kahlil's motivational facebook posts. I regret to record that during the tempo run outside, I noticed my right knee ever so slightly feeling off--almost certainly the same tendonitis.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.6 Miles 29:38
560.0 Meters 3:00 8:37 / Mile Warmup  
3.5 Miles 22:38 6:28 / Mile Cruise  
0.75 Miles 4:00 5:19 / Mile Speed