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January 25, 2014 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Clear, bright night, half moon, 31 degrees

I planned to approach this workout very scientifically with a "watch" and six total pickups ranging between 30 seconds and 2 minutes with fifteen minutes of steady running on either end. But my "watch"--really the smallest 1in^2 version of the iPod shuffle's stopwatch function--ran out of battery before I had even finished the warmup. I could have turned around, but seeing as it was almost 8:00pm and I was exhausted, I decided to press on into mysterious, untimed darkness. I warmed up until reaching Glebe road and did a short pickup, a glorified strider. I kept a steady pace for a 1 minute or so on Glebe and did a longer pickup, closer to 300m continuing on Glebe and starting my next, second longest pickup which I took to the intersection of 26th. I followed that with another glorified strider of 150m or so, then a sprint of similar length after about a minute along Lee. Onto military with a tempo pace pickup for 1:30, concluding the workout with the climb up Military, gliding back down to the intersection of 35th then running 36th/Piedmont hard. After several failed attempts, a great master taught me to us gmap pedometer (which, by the way, seemed like a secret people had been keeping from me all this time!) and it told me 7.12 on the day. Several hours later, 100 crunches, 20 lunges, form drills, 3-minute plank, plank for 30 seconds or so with just my left arm, and 40 back leg-lifts.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.12 Miles 54:00 7:35 / Mile Fartlek