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Blizzard Heat Wave?

January 26, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 25 Snow

The Shell to Regent to Park to Haywood to Wingra to Edgewood to Fox to Commonwealth to SW Bike Path to Glenway to Tokay to Odana to Gammon to Watts to High Point to Mineral Point to Speedway to Regent back to the Shell -

Today was a snow emergency. Strangely it was also 15 degrees warmer than the high from yesterday and more than 30 warmer than tomorrow is supposed to be. Given that, other than Friday, it was by far the best day this week for a long run.

I mapped out a route I sort of hoped would avoid running straight into the wind for 7 miles, and instead only had it for about 5. I ran by my old apartment complex. I also found I didn't really care either. I'm start to grow up clearly, as I'm just not sentimental about it.

The snow was really bad in places but most of it wasn't too bad. My stomach was okay for once, but my hip flexor was hurting some and I was just really sore all around. My body was feeling kind of tired of running and my legs seemed to want to just lay down somewhere. Afterward, I decided to pull out another thing out from my grab-bag of stuff I used to do back at Case and actually stretched. The fitness attendant on duty in the Shell was Jered so he came over and talked to me for a little bit.

I don't know what's gotten into me: Tuesday I did a progression run and today I stretched. I almost forgot I'm retired for a second.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
15.0 Miles Long Brooks Launch Black & Yellow