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February 1, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Indoors, but 40, no wind, bright outside

I woke up at 8:15 and drove myself to Georgetown Prep; I knew we wouldn't race until 12:50, but wanted to watch the 4x800 (which was just going for its cooldown when I arrived), the 500s, the mile and the 1000m. Zeke insisted that we warm up over and hour before the 3200m. Finally, we started and once we had gotten to leg swings outside of the field house, Griffin came out and informed us that we'd race in 4-5 minutes. I panicked for a minute, but once we rushed back in and saw the girls' 32 running its last 5 laps or so, I relaxed, put on my spikes and headed to the line, getting in four, crisp striders. The gun went off and I was out with my head fairly clear, only worrying about counting laps. Zeke passed me after the first couple laps and I made sure to stay right behind him. It was just us until 1200m, then I jumped in front and picked off someone in a black and gold uniform from a school I didn't recognize as per Berenson's demands. I don't know my lap splits, but I felt like I was accelerating and went through the first mile in 5:13. During the next lap, I broke up a mixed group of four people, who had been ahead for a while, still trying to accelerate and stay upright, not encountering many more people (except the leaders who had lapped me). Not much happened after that--I kept my form and finished the race, not dying, with a small PR to top it off. In fact, I was ashamed that with 300m to go, I could just barely get out the words to Anthony asking if that were the last lap--but I had no interest in a repeat of last time I ran the 3200m indoors. I should have kicked harder, but lacked people to catch. No championship race, but still a thrill to be running fast, I suppose. Tired, Zeke and I ran a cooldown on the XC for a few minutes, then finding it too muddy, went to the track. Gabe ran an 800m PR of 2:08 en route to a 1000m school record of 2:41. o_0

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.24 Miles 37:32
1.25 Miles 10:12 8:09 / Mile Warmup  
3200.0 Meters 10:32 5:17 / Mile Race  
2.0 Miles 16:48 8:23 / Mile Cooldown