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to/from yoga

February 3, 2014 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 40, starting to mist

OK run(s). Ran from my apt to yoga again, the roundabout way.

At lunch: filmed myself and watched on the big screen - both side and rear views - in REAL TIME. Man, that helps! Turns out:

- STILL trunk left, "Same shit, different day": took a LOT of effort to put "pelvis left", through a variety of methods
- SIGNIFICANT L foot crossover in initial contact. This indeed does account for my L hamstring tightness. It just gets mega-wound doing that.

To correct both the trunk/pelvis and crossover, I had to:

- accentuate a strong R hip/ball of the foot push off
- shift the pelvis L (load the L hip)
- consciously land wider w/the left foot AND push off stronger "back to the middle" with my body (e.g. trunk)

Ugh. A lot to do, but that's what it takes. I will be doing a LOT more running with this real-time camera set-up. It's priceless and FREE for me!!

After that, I went home, and ran to yoga. It was dry and light when I started, but turned dark and started to mist when I was midway there.

Just before the studio, I was crossing a street. Not too busy, but super-dark. There were two cars oncoming (spaced about 500' apart); after one passed, I crossed, a good 400' before the other....and TRIPPED, FLYING INTO THE LANE! I fell onto both hands, then did a double-barrel roll to get out the lane!

Holy SHIT! The car wasn't that close to hitting me, but I'm sure they saw it! Turns out, there was this little turn-lane curb right where I'd crossed, that I didn't see! Sheesh! LUCKY.

Pretty good class; excellent, actually. Didn't get to chat much with C, since she had to rush home to the babysitter. So I suited up and ran home.

The run home was REALLY sluggish. A lot of tightness in the L hamstring, so I thought a lot about the gait cues. But I was worn out. I feel REALLY stiff, in general. Not sure how much is inefficiency vs just starting out/being stiff.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.0 Miles