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February 6, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 30s, cloudy

I ran mostly with Gabe, Noah K., MI and Jackson taking Wisconsin out to Western almost all the way to Oregon, but turning around after 20 minutes. Out in 20:00, back in 20:01 according to MI's watch; but that also told us we ran 5.46 which could be wrong. Before the run: 25 supermen, 1 minute planks, 20 clams per leg. 25 pushups and 60 crunches after. Legs were sore, hamstrings in particular. I've had a few poor nights of sleep this week, so I'm looking forward to the weekend. Also, I wanted to negative split just for fun, but the others (and they were wise to say so) did not want to pick up the pace too much.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.46 Miles 40:01 7:19 / Mile Training