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February 12, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 30s, Dark, Cloudy

Out and back to BK with Zeke, Noah Kravitz, Gabe Jackson and Sahil. We ran as far as MacArthur and turned around. The ground was very hard in the trail and the pace slowed as we entered the parking lot. As my training partner said, it scared me how conversational 6:30-45 pace felt. As we came back onto Nebraska we ran the final mile in 6:09, still talking a little bit. We jogged over the track on a slight cooldown and met Silverman for about 15 minutes of strength work--sets of pushups, "the lunge matrix", scissor kicks, flutter kicks, the works.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.15 Miles 34:59 6:47 / Mile Cruise