June 26, 2008 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: mid 60s overcast
Good run, the first half was sluggish, but I really picked up the pace on the second half. Had a 152 avg on 1st 1/2 and 166 on second. Really ground through those miles. Need to find a way to even out the run. Definately thought about emotional issues on the second half, also was listening to music vs talk radio. So I might try switching it up!
started w/ a double lap doggie warmup to start the run off. Don't know if that might have made the run harder in the begining.
Distance | Duration | Pace | HR Avg | HR Max | Interval Type | Shoes |
5.1 Miles | 44:00 | 8:37 / Mile | 159 | 177 | Adidas |