February 15, 2014 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: mid-50s, on/off rain
BEER RUN! This is the third time I've done a bar-hop beer run. Our biggest group ever:
Matt Thornton ("The Landlord", celebrating his 33rd)
Tommy (who joined us midway)
Colin (my ex Becky's husband)
Torsten (Colin's friend)
We all met at my place at 11, had some coffee and Matt's homebrew (maybe 4oz), then took off.
The route:
My house to Jackalope: Espresso Stout (0.5mi)
to Old Pad (PRE's old work): Audible Ale (3mi)
to Southtown Bowling alley: Hammer IPA (1.5mi)
to Luckey's downtown: Claim 52 Kolsch (1mi)
to Ninkasi: Eugene Esteem (1mi)
to home (1mi)
8 miles total, spread over four hours!
VERY FUN. The worst was running to Old Pad: 3 miles on no food all day. Felt crazy bonky, but after eating breakfast at Old Pad, I felt great the rest of the day.
Bowling was a blast, and for sure the highlight.
Once back at home at 4, look a light nap, then headed over to Chels'.
The plan was to go to a new sushi place I'd never been. I was supposed to plan the whole evening, but:
- she didn't like my original plan
- I didn't know the name of the sushi place she wanted to go to
So by the time we called at 6, it was full. So we went to Belly, a nice spot downtown at 6:30 and *that* was jammed. So we got on the list and went for cocktails and apps at Davis'.
Felt "off" at first (not BGD-hungZ by any means) but came around. I sensed she was annoyed that I wasn't organized, but I think she disguised it. Once we got the call from Belly, we went and had a full meal there, which was really nice. Good time, and good convos.
We got home and decided to watch "Unbreakable"!! BIG event, something I've waited a long time to show her. She was interested and engaged, for sure. Hit the sack pretty late by our standards...
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
8.0 Miles |