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February 21, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Beautiful, cloudy

With younger Colaizzi and Silvis leaving around 3:30. Wisconsin-->Bethesda-->CCT-->River-->School. I felt frisky and light even though I'm almost certain I've gained weight in this off period. Form seemed better than ever and I probably would have done some foolhardy tempo run without the company to hold me back. I did, however do four striders on the field afterwards and a thorough stretch. I may try to get some new shoes this weekend. Later at night: 10 minutes of strength work
4 minute prone plank (with a conscious effort for better form than usual)
2x10 super-people
3x10 pushups
1:30 flutter kicks (again, better form)
7 below-parallel squats
30 second hold in the down pushup position.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.1 Miles 37:00 7:15 / Mile Easy