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June 26, 2008 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: phase 1

Felt kinda sick this morning. Didnt sleep well,fell asleep at 2.I Couldn't sleep because had a lot on my mind. Woke up a couple of times.. but managed to not get out of bed until 11:40. went okay running. Did a hilly course.
I still feel out of shape. Thankfully, I'm doing 2 more weeks of this kind of training.

plan on going 5- 4- 6- til sunday. then five miles 6X a week and one 7 mile run on sunday. until July 16 (4 weeks of base training) then going to phase 2, where more tempo and fast miles ( 6:40- 7:30). long runs (12 miles) 1 X a week. doubling 3-4X a week. Dont plan on taking any time off until phase 2. Starting the 16th, I plan on taking two days off a week or doing very light running (<4 miles). 50 mile weeks by the end of July, then possibly more.. and im going to green mountain and power camp..

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.1 Miles 31:04 7:34 / Mile