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February 24, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 30s, cloudy, windy still able to wear shorts

What can I say? It was the first day of the spring season and I was just glad to be back even though I only slept around 5-5.5 hours last night, dealing with an English essay and a history test, plus a brief nap during eighth period, which helped. I ran with the typical distance group Wisconsin to Porter to Connecticut, to Chevy Chase Circle to Western to Wisconsin to School. I felt pretty good working the steady incline on Connecticut and opened up my stride a bit on the downhills. Glad to see everyone else too. So the run went surprisingly well--certainly better than the first day of spring track last year, but the strength work was very concerning. We did Boardman's core routine and though I did flutter kicks for 1:30 with near perfect form a few days ago, I really struggled with a minute of them and my arms felt like jello during the pushups and I could hardly keep my back straight. I'm dubious of the distance of the run, but Noah and Stats have assured me of its accuracy. I was just thinking earlier today that--at least mentally--I don't think I've ever been more prepared for a season.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.17 Miles 42:33
0.59 Miles 3:58 6:43 / Mile Warmup  
5.58 Miles 38:35 6:54 / Mile Training