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AM river run

February 27, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Slept pretty good w/Chels, then quietly got up at 0500 to get ready. Spent a good chunk of time getting loose: foam rolled the legs, baseball to the hammies, and stretched out. DAMN, I'm stiff! The hammies become a chicken/egg: do they hurt because they're stiff, or are they stiff because they hurt? Either way, gotta loosen them.

Chels got up at 0530 and I made her some coffee before she and I parted ways: her to home, me to my run.

Another easy one: no Suunto yet, as I haven't set it up. Focused on a strong R push-off, which - OF COURSE - is STILL inconsistent. But what I think I continue to lack is a neutral low back. BECAUSE...when my back is neutral:

- A.) I "fear" my back will hurt (but this is false: it hurts when I land shitty)
- B.) My hamstrings "feel tight" when I'm neutral. BUT, they GET tight when I'm hunched!

Again, the Catch 22. So I did an OK/inconsistent job of being neutral in my back. hamstrings were achy after...

Went a bit longer on the front-end to make this closer to 5.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles