March 8, 2014 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Other
Weather: Cleveland, WI
I was out of town for the weekend and had no ability to cross train, so I had to take the day off.
Last night I was in a pretty sad state and was unable to do ordinary tasks like sit up in bed, or roll over. I woke up at 4am in pain and just decided screw it, I'm going to make myself do all sorts of stretching and abs and if it hurts, it hurts. Strangely, that seemed to work a little bit and I was able to function today. I couldn't have hoped to run and walking was still often painful, but I was able to do things like fidget in my chair or roll over in bed without it being a major ordeal. Granted I was on pain killers and practically drenched in Icy Hot, but this was a clear, major step forward.