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March 13, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Sunny, but freezing, intense wind, most of the track in the shade

We left school at 2:45 for the Potomac Scrimmage. I had a difficult time getting excited for the meet, feeling as thought I hadn't slept enough (as usual) and feeling a slight pain in my left ankle. Side Note: It's just an odd ankle. Both of my ankles have cracked when I walk since I was 10, but the left one has always made the louder clicking noise, especially during ankle twirls, but has never hurt on runs. I was scheduled to run in the 800m and a 4x400m later. After we settled in on the pristine white squash courts, we jogged two laps and did a static stretch. The 800m runners (most of the male distance team) waited around for 15 minutes then set off to a warmup, which for me proved quite inadequate. We spiked up, I ran to the bathroom one last time and started striders, still not warm, though I wore four layers. I still made the idiotic decision not to wear socks. It was windy enough that I felt it necessary to race in hat, gloves and nike pro-combat long-sleeved shirt, which I wouldn't have needed if I had been warm enough: my legs still had goosebumps on the line--it would seem to an observer that I had managed to do everything one was not supposed to do before a race. The whole day went just like a workout from freshman or early sophomore year. In the first lap, I found myself far behind where I should have been and unable to settle into my form. I came through the first lap in around 67, stupidly hoping for a PR, racing nobody. Coming through 500m, Anthony didn't have much to say to me besides telling me to lift my knees, which I did closing in a blazing, talented 71--doesn't even deserve the title of race. I finished the event with little speed and even less dignity. We cooled down then waited around for the 4x400m, which I ran with Ahmad, Malik and Danny, as the third leg. Anthony at first told me at I had run 57.6 then found out I had run 59.1. I ran it all by myself except that Tristan passed me with 200m to go, running a 53. We did a cooldown lap and were done for the day. Too much schoolwork, not enough sleep, not enough speed.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.75 Miles 28:32
1.5 Miles 12:15 8:09 / Mile Warmup  
800.0 Meters 2:18 4:37 / Mile Speed  
1.0 Miles 9:00 9:00 / Mile Recovery  
400.0 Meters 0:59 3:57 / Mile Race  
0.5 Miles 4:00 8:00 / Mile Recovery