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Long Beach Loop, day one

March 19, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 65-75F, awesome!

Slept in a bit, but my brother Billy, with whom I shared a BUNK in our small vacation rental, was snoring like a MFer and kept rattling the metal bunk each time he moved.

Pretty chill day: got out for my run in the AM on this 3.6 mile loop I created last year. The fatigue from the long travel day kept the HR high and the pace low, so I only did 8 mi, though I did throw in x5 50-75m strides. After that, hung out with the family, then hit the beach in the afternoon (0.3mi walk) with my sis and Evan. Was in the sun maybe 2.5 hours but got CRISPED on my shoulders and fairly burnt (just enough to turn tan) everywhere else, which was key.

Didn't go anywhere in the PM: had dinner at the house with my Grandpa and Aunt, and my half-uncle/"half cousin"!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.0 Miles