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March 27, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

I met Zeke at school at 4pm and we headed over to AU to do the 10x300. Upon seeing Matt Centorwitz Sr. Zeke asked the following question: "Is it alright if we use your track for a quick workout?" Centrowitz replied, "Only if you use lanes 7 and 8." Zeke voiced the insight that the track was only six lanes and we went on our way to Wilson, seeing no harm in more warmup. We did most of the moving dynamic drills, asked someone the correct mark, did four striders and then did the workout with 1 minute recoveries. I finally felt like my legs were doing what they're supposed to do, probably helped by the fact that I wore spikes. We were both consistent, except me on the final 300--I always let people get away on the last pickups in workouts, I have to work on that. They only really got hard on numbers six, seven and eight. The rest felt doable. Core work on the field with Sam, who had showed up earlier to work out with the triplets and Jadyn.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.01 Miles 47:23
3.9 Miles 29:00 7:26 / Mile Warmup  
300.0 Meters 0:52 4:38 / Mile Speed  
300.0 Meters 0:51 4:33 / Mile    
300.0 Meters 0:49 4:22 / Mile    
300.0 Meters 0:50 4:28 / Mile    
300.0 Meters 0:50 4:28 / Mile    
300.0 Meters 0:49 4:22 / Mile    
300.0 Meters 0:51 4:33 / Mile    
300.0 Meters 0:50 4:28 / Mile    
300.0 Meters 0:51 4:33 / Mile    
300.0 Meters 0:50 4:28 / Mile    
1.25 Miles 10:00 8:00 / Mile Cooldown