March 28, 2014 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: 50, on/off hard rain
LONG day at work, but not bad. Absolutely got coffee this morning, when I had a double-opening at the start of my day. Also went to get my allergy shot in the AM. I'm one shot away from being on the "maintenance program", which is good. I feel like I'm about 75% better than a year ago, when I COULD NOT go run in dry conditions without serious GI distress and fatigue.
Got out of work around 2:40 and met Mike at my place at 3. Hard rain was in the forecast - 1.5in today - but this run had to be done. Mike is running Boston on the 21st, so we're 3+ weeks out, and ready to do a SIM.
I feel like MAF is so key for training, but it's really VT that must be respected in racing: just how frequently and how far you can surpass it in marathon+ efforts remains to be seen. But my experience tells me that if you run *at VT*, you can "run all day" (think: Three Sisters Circumnav '13).
So the order of the day was 10 miles at VT (160HR), then two miles hard to finish. We ran eastbound into Springfield, onto the new Willamette bike path, then came back.
After a 2+ mile warm-up, we got after it, running mostly low-7s pace. There were lots of twists, turns, and a few little hills - and one big - on this route, so we probably averaged 7:30 pace (data pending). Then, once back in ALton Baker, we went hard, going 7-flat, 6:40 for the final two miles.
A couple interesting nugz for me:
- I was clearly SUPER-tired from this week, and last night. The legs felt a little sluggish
- But my HR was REALLY LOW. I *AVERAGED* 130 for this run, and at times was only 130-lows when we were running 7-flat pace, which was great!
- I felt worked when we were done, with tight calves. I think the slow pace of the past 6 weeks has messed with my form and has made it hard for me to get my feet under me/trunk forward. But it could've been from running in the N1's, which have little heel drop and are super-soft.
- my cadence STILL sucks, but hearing Mike's footfall helped.
We were absolutely drenched but in good spirits when we finished. We cleaned up at my place, then walked (in a brief dry spell) for chow/drinks at Cornucopia. I was supz HUNGZ from barely eating dinner last night.
We got back to my place at 730 and we parted ways. I went straight upstairs and prepped for bed, and was asleep BEFORE 8PM!
I needed it.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
15.5 Miles |