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April 2, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Nice, 65, cooler when it got darker

We had the Sidwell meet today and got second. I have a whole list of excuses not to be irritated with my personal result, but still am. As for the interval type, I won't call it a race until it's a race. We warmed up far too early, starting around 5:30 and probably didn't race until some time around 6:45. I made a big deal about it and acted as though I was angry at Samaha for suggesting that we warm up so soon--we did wait around for 40 minutes--but better to warm up too soon than too late (cf, Jefferson Community Center meet January 2012). I did several striders, went to the bathroom for the third time, stood around some more shaking my legs out again and again, and finally got to the line with a large contingent of hoppers, quakers and frogs, male and female. The Sidwell coach blew the whistle and we were off. Zeke and Patrick of Sidwell got out very aggressively and I figured I should run with them. After another 200m or so, that plan completely failed and I lacked any confidence to take, as Splinto always used to yell, "10 quick steps" and join them. I came though the first 400m in 77, I tried to relax and not freak out that I wasn't with them--poor decision, 2:36. I stayed upright--still not even breathing that hard yet--and came through 1200m in 3:57, if I remember correctly, 1600m at 5:16, distantly in third, staying as alert as I could. At this point I still wasn't tired enough and held onto to the idea of a negative split. I definitely felt myself moving more quickly and my form felt nice and smooth, perhaps too smooth. With two laps to go I pushed more, but it just didn't feel like a race. Period. Rather, like another workout. Anthony later told me that having been training regularly since June with few breaks, I should feel the most tired during this period, and over the next two or three weeks, which was comforting. But sometimes I think I don't know how to race. I'll have to set my head straight and not even expect some great breakthrough on Saturday (like some others had today AHEM Zeke 25 second PR). I have to be mentally careful. I can't let what happened to Boardman during cross country happen to me. I am capable of getting my goal(s).

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.94 Miles 48:44
2.33 Miles 18:00 7:43 / Mile Warmup  
3200.0 Meters 10:29 5:16 / Mile Interval  
2.62 Miles 20:15 7:43 / Mile Cooldown