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April 8, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Sunny, vernal

Pushups, planks and crunches directed by Jason in the wrestling room then warmup to Turtle park, doing drills on the soccer field next to Mass. Ave. Mass-->Nebraska-->New Mexico-->Tunlaw-->Calvert-->down Wisconsin to Ellington track-->back to school on Wisconsin. The pain in my outer, lower, right ankle didn't bother me. Anthony suggested I strained something taking a funny step on the trail on Sunday. Peter Silverman drill to 20 and 40 backwards leg lifts with Kravitz.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.42 Miles 45:59
1.0 Miles 7:13 7:13 / Mile Warmup  
5.42 Miles 38:46 7:09 / Mile Training