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Around the schools and back

July 12, 2009 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

I felt good. My foot was sore this morning, but I took a couple of aleve before I ran and had absolutely no pain about the first half mile. The new shoes felt great. I'd like to get my parents to buy me a couple more pairs (I paid for the first but dont have the cash to load up on them) as I think they will help my foot out. When I went in to buy the shoes the guys looked at my stride and thought that a really significant shoe like the kayanos that I had been wearing might have channeled most of the blow towards the outside of the foot. I don't pronate a ton, but I do land on the outside of the foot as you all have seen. I might do a couple of miles again later if my feet don't flare up in a bit. I dropped a couple of pick ups into the run to give my foot and the shoes a test, because I wanted to be able to bring them back if they didn't work well. My legs are really stiff, but I guess that's to be expected seeing as they always are.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles 26:30 6:37 / Mile   Asics Gel-3010 (pair 1)