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long drive home

April 13, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Good, but LONG day: slept in a bit (after being awoken to a 43-second sex fest past midnight), then went over to the BW to work on Meghan Hicks again. Honest? I think she's a little "pain sensitive": has a hard time having ANY pain in her body (outside of run/effort pain). I remember being that way, so I know how it is.

BUT, she was nice enough to buy BGD and I breakfast, and we wound up having a terrific convo over eggs and carbZ at Adels'. Good times.

After that, BGD headed home. I went DT with Mike to get some GOOD coffee, then we all headed to the winery to hang-out.

My time there was short: a few tastes and a few goodbyes, then on the road.

Even taking the direct route, it took forever. I stopped for gas, then again at In N Out, then again for gas in Weed.

It was a weird drive home. The loneliness and that "I'm not loved anxiety" (that I'm now recognizing it to be) hit hard on that drive home. It was tough. Thought alot about running, and relationships, and my "options". Then I remembered that I hadn't called Laura - the girl whose number I got from a PT friend. It was 845 so I figured, "Fuck it, I should call her". So I pulled off and CALLED (not texted, man'd up). Long-story short, we had a good, funny chat and agreed to meet up later in the week. :-)

The day ended...strangly: nearly fisticuffs with random guy across the street from Hertz. I'd parked on Madison St - on the street, like normal parking - as instructed by Hertz. So I pulled the car up to my truck and began to unload.

At the house, nearly in front of me, there were two guys singing some lame-ass song, seemingly intoxicated. Then one of the guys comes walking toward me.

"What are you doing, Bro?"

I was not in the mood to deal with any dickheads. So me, being in full shit-talking mode, replied:

"It's a secret - you wouldn't understand" (an old "The Office" quote). But CLEARLY, he could see I was packing up shit out of the car and transferring it to the truck.

He starts to interroggate me, then get increasingly more pissed off when he finds out that I rented from Hertz and "parked my truck in front of HIS house".

It's SUPER-SUPER rare that I lose my cool. And nearly every time it's ever happened, it's been during/after periods of profound fatigue. Well, 50 miles run, and 9+hours driving was it.

I got IN this fucking guy's face. We were so fucking close my NOSE was touching his, and I nudged his stupid fucking flat brimmed hat off his head.

I was so lucky he didn't club me over the head with the Sierra Nevada bottle he had in hand.

It was such a bizarre experience. That he was so over-the-top pissed at ME for parking there (which was perfectly legal, albeit beyond the city's 48-hour rule...but nothing more than a ticket-able offense), as if *I* owned Hertz and was shitting on his property, was insanity.

But in the end I was disappointed in myself for losing my cool. Just weird...but I'm lucky nothing came from it. I nearly called 911 twice, and I probably should have. But needless to say, I WON'T be parking there again.