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Sparky Adams

April 19, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Sunny, low 50s, windy

Ran the 800. Was planning on the 4x4 but game time decision said no.

Race plan was to make sure I had wind cover on the backstretch. Tucked into 4th off the line and stayed there the whole race. Big BW kid in front did a great job blocking the wind on the first lap; felt super relaxed and came through the 2 at 30.x. 65 or so at the 400, picked it up a bit. Realized with 2 to go all I had to do was average under 35 for the second lap to PR and I thought "I can do this!" First time I've had that confidence in too long. Held on, tied up badly in the last 40 meters but made it across the line.

2:13.15 so almost a 2 second PR.

Shout out to Taylor and Evy for coming out to watch/ cheer.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.0 Miles 2:13
1.5 Miles Warmup  
800.0 Meters 2:13 4:27 / Mile Race Zoom Victory Neon/Red