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Hardesty Up/Down

April 23, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 40-50F, rain (snow at the top)

Pretty OK day. No practice: the kids get out early and are gone by the time I can get there, so I just went to Hardesty. Despite being done with work at 3:30, I didn't get going on the mtn 'til after 5! Ugh.

Ran about .8mi warm-up in the parking lot: the new routine. Really worked on quick turnover and getting the feet under me. My LEFT ANKLE has been jacked lately: my stride's been off again (with that trunk collapse on the L and narrow landing), so that was a big focus: pushing off and stabilizing on the left leg.

GOOD RUN. Despite being really tired at first (almost fell asleep at the wheel x2 on the way!), I made remarkably good time. The bottom 1.5mi was quite muddy, and the top final K was intermittent --> 1" snow, making for slick conditions. Despite that, I ran 65:00 with an AHR of 158. The trio of Hardesty's so far:

Saturday: 61:53, HR 167
Sunday: 69:xx HR 157
Tuesday: 65:00 HR 158

I'm not getting exact splits at times because Suunto is being really weird.

Had sort of a slow descent because of the slick conditions (and wearing 890s), but a GOOD RUN. I'm beginning to feel like the "old me": sustainable, strong climber, with that threshold pace feeling doable "all day pace".

Other things I focused on:
- "ALL IN THE HIPS": pelvic depression
- pushing off the ball of the foot/medial arch, namely on the L
- QUICK arms/QUICK turnover, especially up and over little rollers --> flats/downs. This is a critical component to Ice Age.

Good run. I'm encouraged.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.0 Miles