April 20, 2014 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: warm, sunny-ish (nearly 60?)
Slept in 'til 8ish, then lolligag'd, didn't get on the trail til 10:30ish.
The plan today:
- 160HR up Hardesty
- Moderate/easy on Sawtooth and the descent to Goodman
- Moderate/hard on Goodman (160+)
Split a 69:00 up Hardesty, which felt actually GOOD. Had some B ankle stiffness but not bad. From there, ran easy (with some light hiking) on Sawtooth, to some glorious sunshine on the open ridge, to Lost Creek. Stopped for a drink (no bottle, no calories), but had a slow, easy descent to Goodman. On the road, it was a struggle to stay in the 130-high...just wanted to be 140+. So my split (20:xx) was slow, but that's fine. I wanted some fat-burning on this run.
Once on Goodman - a net downhill, but copious rollers with legit '50-'100 climbs - the idea was to PUSH. I was pushing at 160 for about the first 1/3, 'til I got to a little creek crossing with a short, but STEEP climb that I PUSHED. That JACKED my HR to 180, and from there, it was tough to get it back to even 170.
I pushed HARD: strong on the ups, then trying to recover/get back to <170 on the flats/downs. Felt strong and not-bonky, despite the long day (& yesterday's run) and lack of fuel.
Finished in 2:56 or so. My "best" is 2:48. If you think about where I lost time:
- about 6 minutes slow on the climb up
- about 3 minutes slow on the road descent
then that's pretty close to an "on-par", fit state.
Rest of the day: grocery shopped, hung out at home. TIRED. WORKED. But I feel like my body is actually responding to this accelerated work.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
18.5 Miles |