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April 26, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: A tad hot, slight wind, 70s

Viking invitation at Whitman, the site of my 800m PR last year. I had learned on Tuesday that I wasn't good enough to run in the 3200m and it would be very unlikely so coach entered me in the mile. I arrived at the meet at 9:30 when I learned that it would be possible to run the two mile, perhaps in a slower heat. The meet, however, was running ahead of schedule so the two events would happen in close proximity--maybe too close. I deliberated with Mark, who said that I should run the 3200m on the grounds that if I ran a "lousy mile" I would be kicking myself and want to do something else, but I HAD mentally prepared myself to run the mile all along. Deciding to do both, I set off with DZ to warm up. Over an hour later his heat got onto the track and I began to remove my sweats. I had developed a plan early in the week to run the mile as though it were an 800m, going out like an idiot and hanging on. But true to my roots, when the gun fired I found myself in dead last in a field of about 12 people and remained there for the duration of the first lap (71). I wanted to beat these people, not to run with them, but against them. When the second lap came, the pack had strung out and I found myself behind someone from Good Counsel. Anthony bellowed to pass someone on every straightaway. In the mile, I doubt myself most during the second lap, but recognized that many people in front of me were attainable, and accelerated on the curve 74, 2:25. Starting to hurt, I came upon a tighter group and passed two more (I think) at the 200m mark. The thought crossed my mind that I was having fun. I believe at this point there were four in front of me and I ran the last lap passing someone from Howard with 150m to go, finishing with a LONG OVERDUE four second PR. I felt fine enough to run the 3200m, but I made sure to set low expectations and do what Anthony said: practice doubling, practice running on tired legs, running even splits, forget about the time, etc. About 40 minutes later, I stepped on the line for the 3200m, the 15th seed. Not much to say about this (will add full splits later): I ran the entire thing alone, decelerating too much, not even. 5:19, 5:28. I'm glad I did it for training purposes. Anthony seemed displeased during the 32, but happier about my performance in the mile. 4x4 school record at Penn today of 3:26.98! Gillian also won her heat of the mile by five meters, outkicking her competition in style.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.78 Miles 45:50
0.6 Miles 5:13 8:41 / Mile Warmup  
1600.0 Meters 4:50 4:51 / Mile Race  
3200.0 Meters 10:47 5:25 / Mile Tempo  
1.2 Miles 10:00 8:20 / Mile Recovery  
2.0 Miles 15:00 7:29 / Mile Cooldown