April 27, 2014 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: rainy, WET AS FUCK
Long run on the MRT today. Lewis drove us up. I was TIRED. No breakfast per say, but I did eat a ton of PB on the way up with coffee. Weather in EUG was OK, but up river it was TERRIBLE. And once we got on the trail, it was a shit-show!
BGD might remember when we were up there and it rained hard: the trail turned into standing water. That's what we ran in for 20 miles! It sucked, and it really fired up my L ankle, which has been extra pissy since yesterday. It was not stop puddle side-hopping, just brutal. Most puddles you couldn't avoid, but you had zero clue how deep they were, or what was at the bottom!
SUPER-easy on the way out: in fact, my HR kept going DOWN as we went (128->120). The plan was to go 150+ inbound, but the conditions were so bad that it was difficult, at first, to run that hard. But we did a dirt road detour that got things going, then we hammered pretty good over the last 5 miles.
Dan-o stuck right on me: I'd lose him, putting 50m on him on any up, but he'd catch me on the downs/flats. My ankle was NOT happy and hated the downs. Finished the 5+ miles in :34, then jogged slow for the last .75mi.
...OK run. Good "strength work" on the trail, and I DID feel good on the hard segment. A little worried about the ankle, though, but I do have PT this week, Friday.
Wore the Sonoma Trail N1's.
Rest of the day: grocery shopped, met my coaching client (he re-upped for another 3mo = paid for my Ice Age trip!!!), then went to Matt's house, so HE could pull on my ankle, which helped. Fun to hang out with his almost-3-year old girl and meet his new 3mo old girl.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
20.0 Miles |