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Hardesty Constitutional

May 3, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 60, humid

Was pretty unsure about this run. Slept OK - but woke up at 0100 after having a dream about the WS lotto. Got up and stretched a bit, then went back to bed. Woke up at 8ish, had the usual breakfast, then cleaned up a bit, and finally (after running to work to tape my foot, then to REI to get shoe orthotics!), got on the road to Hardesty.

The ankle was achy and weird all morning, but I figured with tape AND some Superfeet inserts (AND a solid shoe: my old '11 mizuno trails), I should be OK. I wanted to do this run today to have an extra day of rest, so I just went for it.

Jogged just under a mile in the parking lot, feeling no symptoms. Felt pretty good, and stretched a ton (but mainly the hips, re: my PT appt from yesterday), then got after it!

Ran easy - very sustainable but not particularly disciplined (= "old school") on the climb and wound up with a solid :65. I want this "solid" climb to be in the 61-61 range, but it's OK for now. The hips were sore, maybe from PT.

Rested up there a few mins and busted out the mp3 player to listen to the 2nd half of Jimothy's podcast, then took off for Sawtooth. Tried to simulate Ice Age by aggressively running the downs - those transitional down<-->up and flats that are typical of that course. There are tons on this route. Stopped briefly to clear out my shoe - my lateral toes were super annoyed, either from the shoes or the inserts, or something else...

It was warm at the TH (60s and humid) but at 4300 it was a little cool and overcast, so no great views. Ran everything on Sawtooth, then stopped for a few swigs of water from the spring, and kept on.

Did not try to keep it disciplined on the Lost Creek descent, but kept it "easy" - so 130-140ish, not bad. I felt slow, and, honestly, a bit bonky, by the time I got down to the road. I stopped once more to change to Justin Timberlake, then pushed the road.

Last spring, I rolled this <3mi, mostly downhill, rough gravel road in around 18:xx. Lately? More like 20-21. I was determined to work on turnover and leg speed by doing it faster, so I pushed a bit. I didn't go anaerobic, but I came close at times, but I was pumped to split 18-flat!

Once on Goodman, I was determined to not be super-aggressive. So I ran pretty strongly, but didn't push anything. Yet, I still wound up with a nice split. Hurt a bit over the last two miles, but nothing too extreme.

Finished the route (not including the typical stops) in ~2:48 -- this TIES my all-time fastest for this route, which is great. However, I know I'm not as fit as a year ago - when I ran that time. I think I just pushed the downs harder this time. BUT, I am happy with it.

Good rest of the day: got back to town, shopped and cleaned up, then TINDER'd with a girl for quite a while. Considered meeting up with her but will probably defer until tomorrow. Long day!


Hardesty up: 65:27, HR 159
Sawtooth: 26:35, HR ~152
Lost Creek: 24:26, HR ~138
Road: 18:00, HR 157
Goodman: 33:387, HR 165
--- TOTAL: ~2:48, AHR 153

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
19.0 Miles