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June 10, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Overcast, a little humid

Ran with John Roan. He wasn't feeling great and I was only planning on 4ish so we turned at Lee. I told him I wanted to do a mile pickup but that I'd wait for him so I took Lee back to Coventry on the street, kind of quickish. Felt pretty rough but it's a start. Rolled the downhill back in pretty quick too.

Bout to head to Veale to get some weights in.


Back crunch: 2x15x35plate
Skullcrusher: 10x50bar, 10x60bar, 5x70bar w/5 close grip bench superset
DB Bicep Curl: 10eax25, 2x5eax35, 3eax40

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.27 Miles 30:59
2.1 Miles 17:11 8:10 / Mile Warmup Ghost 5 Grey/Orange
1.02 Miles 5:41 5:34 / Mile Fartlek Ghost 5 Grey/Orange
1.15 Miles 8:07 7:03 / Mile Cooldown Ghost 5 Grey/Orange