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Treadmill, then South EUG + 4x200

June 13, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Good morning of work, then ran about a 1.5 mile on the track, just to confirm my "NO SWIVZ" form, then I headed outdoors.

The stride felt GOOD: really focused on quick, strong arms to limit *any* (50%) trunk motion, then a good forward hinge. Ran pretty "fast", like just sub-7. It's funny (if not somewhat tragic) that I now consider this fast. It felt pretty good, though.

Stopped at South Track for 4x200, but I was dismayed to see how fucking slow they were: 35(!!!), 34, 33, 32...I think. Ugz! What gives?

Then ran back to work.

Had PT in the afternoon: Left SI joint all locked up. Mike got it moving, as usual. I showed him the video I took from Wed/Thu. We're not sure if the SIJ's/back is fucking up because of the SWIVZ, or some other asymmetry. But either way, I'm SURE that's why I was slow on the track.

Got done with that sesh, then drove to a patient's HOUSE to do a private PT "screening" for his wife. For some reason, the guy wanted to pay me cash (his insurance was high-decuctible), so I did it. It was pretty good. Lady was super-nice and I think we did good work. And, I got $100 cash for like 75 minutes work!

After that, hustled to the coffee shop to work on the column. Was planning on a chill night 'til Cliff called and said "The Ballerinas" were out and wanted ME to come out and meet a friend of theirs!

Shit! I got SUPZ nervous, but went home, "looked good", then headed over, where I met Cliff and Melissa, along with a trio of girls:

- Hannah Bontrager, who I [and pretty much everyone on Earth] want to marry, but she's taken
- Leanne Mizzoli
- "Katie"

Katie, as it turns out, is a ND native who moved out here, is a teacher, and helps with the company doing sewing work. She seemed cool, but initial impressions weren't..."strong". She's pretty good looking, but not "ga-ga" and, as our interactions proceeded, there wasn't a ton of chemistry there.

ASHLEY was there briefly - with a new boy-toy - then disappeared. She was looking good, even not super-dressed up. I was dressed up! Had my nice black/pin-striped sportcoat over a burgundy dress-shirt (with pink under shirt), and gray jeans. B-)

After a couple bevs we headed to Davis'. On our way downtown, we stopped at the ballet studio, where Clif and I got some quick "ballet lessons' before we headed downtown.

That's when shit got weird. I, as usual, made the rounds, scoping out the grounds, while folks got settled and got drinks.

Ashley and dickweed ("Andrew") were there. I introduced myself when they briefly re-emerged at "Tap & Growler" (a key alpha-male move :) ). They kept mostly to themselves, but I had a couple of fun interactions with Ash, including recounting the stories Hannah was telling about how, when they were kids they would play "funeral" and Hannah (who's 2 years older) would make Ashley be the "dead person"! AHAHA! Didn't quite get into what, exactly, that meant, but Ash and I had some fun - but brief - interactions about that.

At Davis', I chatted a bit more with Katie, who was giving me the standard, "I'm 30 and I don't feel right having fun with young people" speech. At first I tried to justify it, but I've learned that you just need to nod in agreement.

Not much longer...we were ALL on the dance floor. I mean, fuck, you've got like FOUR hot "adult" women out there, so it has to happen, and "the hips" got a little workout.

About 20 minutes after the "I dunno" speech, Katie asks, "What do you think if I got up on the booth and danced?" I couldn't give two shits - but I should have - because she was up there ten seconds before getting taken down...and kicked out! SERZ!?? Zero tolerance policy.

So...we rounded up the group and went kitty-corner to Jamison's.

At Davis', before we started dancing, I noticed a group of well dressed youngsters near us: four pretty attractive girls and two guys, one of which had a nice sport coat on. So I went up to him (Alpha male Rule #1: always make friend with the guys first), and complimented him on his sport coat. He then said he "worked in fashion in Seattle", and Katie came over - who "works in fashion" (sewing clothing for herself, the ballet) and started "feeling his material". Not not after that, he ski-daddled, and moments later she said to me, "That guy's full of SHIT!?"

"Huh?" I didn't get it, or didn't pick up that vibe, but he did bug out quick...after a hot woman touched his clothes. Might've been 'cuz his girlfriend was there.

Anyway, I see this same group at Jamison's once we get there. So, after I round up a beer, I spy the group - with several hot women - and approach one who's talking to "Brian". I come in from her left and, just as I'm about to ask her if he's full of shit, "Brian" sees me, FLIPS OUT, tells me to "back off!", takes the woman and RUNS to the bouncer a few strides away. I watch, without moving, as he tattles on me, and within seconds, I'm BOUNCED!


I obviously did nothing, but the bouncer didn't care. He told me that Davis' called over here saying we'd been bounced from there, so...more zero tolerance! So he "grounded me" and made me sit near the front and finish my beer, then leave!

While I did sneak away for a bit, he ultimately did boot me - and, with me, FOUR attractive, classy women - with me. Nuts!

After that, it was after 1AM, so it was bedtime, anyway. Cliff and Melissa took off; Leanne was going to stay a bit longer with Hannah, so Katie and I walked back together, stopping first at Sizzle Pie for...dinner.

She's a nice girl, but I picked up a major "conflict" vibe from her, later confirmed from Melissa, that she's still in some half-relationship. Whatevz.

When we got back to the ballet studio parking lot, we just happened to run into Hannah/Leanne. Since Katie was still somehow half-wasted, she went home with Leanne, and Hannah gave me a ride to my car. Then, we randomly got into a convo about "The Chelseas" - something that came up when we started talking about yoga.

I really like Hannah. She's great.

But...I STILL like Ashley! It was good to see her, with some quality interactions, even IF she was with boy-toy Andrew.

CLIFF told me he went for beers with Ashley on Sunday night, where (ever the wing-man) he talked to her about me. Turns out, Caitlin (another ballerina who's awesome) and her BF were "heavily plugging me" to her. But she told Cliff, "I'm just not attracted to older guys."

BULL. SHIT. She is, and she's INTO me. She's just afraid of older guys; scared they're going to hurt her: some obvious dad trauma (which is real).

Tonight? We had multiple "positive vibe" interactions. AND? When she was dancing WITH HIM, she "reached out and touched me" when I walked by. MMMMMM...SERIOUS "indicator of interest"!!

Ashley's super-super interesting. She has a lot of "Chelsea" attractiveness for me: that stunningly-beauty but that tragically-flawed, broken-hearted wounded person that I'm, above all else, driven to "help". It's weird. I want to "be her friend" more than anyting else - no doubt residue from Chels.

I won't be giving up on her.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles