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McKenzie River Trail - upstream

June 7, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 55F --> nearly 80F

Ran the whole McKenzie River Trail today: 26 miles, one of the best singletracks in the world.

Forever, I've only done the lower half, which is super runnable, if not a bit winding. Today, Mr Roberts and Emily wanted to run downstream, so rather than do a shuttle (which would take an extra hour), we agreed that we'd drive separate to the SW TH, then they'd drive my truck to the NE TH and run down, while I'd run upstream to my truck.

Kept things SUPER-easy early: 130 HR and pretty much 9-min pace on the gentle uphill the first 1h40m. I took no food, and no water, but the streams are super-drinkable (as all of Eug's water comes from the McKenzie).

At about that point, things start to climb more steeply, so I decided it would be at that point that I "throttle up".

Just about that time, about 14 miles in, I ran into Jason/Emily coming down. We chatted for maybe 45 seconds, then parted ways.

From there? I pushed fairly hard. Wound up running the final TWO HOURS at 162 average HR. It got hot, super-rocky/lava and steep! The MRTR 50K runs downhill on this, making it so much more doable. But in the heat of the day, uphill, it was tough.

There were a few moments when I felt a little bonky, but I kept bided my effort wisely and made it around the winding Clear Lake to the NE trailhead. Fun run, with some Johnny Cash tunes and then some Urrsheer in the hard 2hr section.

Was pretty bonky/tired after that - not sure how much that was alleriges, but the effort was there. About 3:45 for the total run time.

Post-run: drove west/downriver to the country store, where I got some fluid/cals. Just as I was about to leave, Jason/Emily showed up, so we hung out a bit.

Drove home, stopping at Winco on the way back. Then, got ready for the Suchman Anniversary Fest.

Eric has been running with the group for about a year (and was a friend of Dan-O's, as he and Dan-o's wife teach at North HS together). I treated Eric's wife, Gretchen, last fall, so they're both good friends.

Their tenth anniversary fest was a BLAST! About half of the party was "hunters", and the other half, cool teachers and the like. There WAS one attractive random woman there - who looked like "Summer" from "The O.C.!" - and it turned out to be Eric's sister!

So, of course, I wound up schmoozing with her a bit, as did Cliff, who took it upon himself to wingman for me. As the night went on, the "IOIs" got pretty strong.

The party started at like 5, but there were still tons of us there at 10, wtih a half-full keg, so I suggested we play FLIP-CUP! It was a BLAST! We played like 10-12 rounds and my team dominated!

Around this time, Eric's sis, Lisa was "quite friendly" with me, to the point where she was like, standing ON me (literally next to me, touching, at the albiet cramped flip cup table). It was pretty extreme. It was beyond IOIs at this point, with some pretty heavy flirting going on on both sides.

Finally, around 11, the party was winding down. There were maybe a half-dozen folks left when Lisa and I went inside. We somehow wound up in the guest bed room and...oops...I kissed her! HA! Oh man! Just a quick one, then I ran off.

AFter that, we were inside cleaning up, and she was GOING AFTER me, trying to kiss me again! Sheesh! So...I did oblige a bit when she went outside to get her things to stay over. We might've...kissed sevral more times. Oh geez.

After that, she went to bed, and Clif and I - after using his OWN breathalyzer, and finding that I was 0.05 BAL - drove downtown. I drank no more but we hung out...then later ran into KIMBER, who was on the streets and heading out to dance! I should've followed her, but I was losing steam, and this night was nutZ enough as it was!

Wow. Interesting stuff. Good to be "social", for sure. I do like Lisa. She's moving here in a couple weeks. We'll see if that goes anywhere.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
26.0 Miles