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South EUG + 4x200

July 3, 2014 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Another LONNNNG day at work - needed TWO coffees today! Sheesh. Lifted a bit over lunch, working Bruce's ex's, which are good.

After work, I ran easy into South Eug, then 4x200. Worked on the trifecta:

- "forward" (hip hinge + chest forward)
- "lumbar arch" (neutral, not old man back)
- "flick and pull"back

Felt flat at first, but DEFINITELY faster, I could tell. A ton more power in the stride, rather than "bracing" into old man back. Ran 32, then tried to cut 'em down. Didn't quite get to 30, but we're making progress:

32.5, 31.8, 31.8, 31.3.

Solid. Jogged easy back to work, then biked home.

Had a nice Chat with KC tonight, who's back in her hometown of Dannebrog ("DBrogZ") for the weekend, pop 300. :-P

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles