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Squaw + Tahoe Trail Fartlek

June 26, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50, mist, windy

COLD, crappy day at Squaw! It was raining all morning, but I ventured out around 9ish, as it was just ending then. It was still windy but the rain faded to a light mist, reminiscent of '12 WS.

The idea today was a "minutes pyramid fartlek": 1-2-3-4...etc with equal rest. But damn, did I feel like SHIT! I've been sleeping shitty for several consecutive nights, and the Escarpment up+down didn't help. Also, this was the first time doing a hard workout at altitude (other than last year's short 800m "tempo" at SLT).

Ran easy down the bikepath, going up the side-shoot road to the other resort across from the golf course, then down to CA89, and on the bike path. Stopped a mile+ out for 4-6x strides, then, reluctantly, got after it.

Wound up doing 1-2-3-4-4-3-2-1, but on the way down, I did (-1) rest (so on the 4, only 3 rest, etc).

Felt..."OK", but neither fast nor particularly strong. HR spiked pretty high, and was outrageous on any upgrade, of which there was plenty on my way back to Squaw. Did the offshoot road and back, so I had one segment with light downhill, otherwise it was all net uphill.

Felt pretty good near the end, but obviously slow. Finished just past Plumpjack.

Major focus on quick turnover, "pulling" and compact/quick elbows.

Post-run: cleaned up and packed up at Bob's place, then went to StarbZ for some caffeine, which didn't seem to dent my fatigue. Milled around a bit as more and more runnerZ came in...but felt progressively worse! Tired, gut rot...even nauseous! Wow. Allergies? Or shit, did I get SICK from my coworker on Monday? F!

I was planning on going to the Vet Panel but around 4ish, I decided to pull the plug and head downhill. Still felt super crappy on the drive down....until I got to about 3K', then I felt GOOD!

Wow. Could I have had "altitude sickness"? Weird, but...maybe? Or it could've been the allergy med that kicked in. Either way, I felt a TON better by the time I reached Auburn.

Met BGD at the Boneshaker by his house, where we had a bunch of good chats. Fun night.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.0 Miles